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Kids party here

Kids Party provides ideas and suggestions for the ultimate kids party.





Fun Party Food





OK, well we need to come up with more ideas than than, but Pizza is always a favorite!




Kids Party Food

Kids Party Food Watermelon SliceParties are lots of fun and games. Eventually everyone gets hungry and so planning for some great kids party food is one of the ways to have satisfied partygoers.

From snack buffet to a full lunch or meal, kids party food will help keep everyone's spirits (and blood-sugar levels) at an optimum level to enjoy the festivities.


Pizza is a usual standby that is easy, not that messy and is widely accepted as being good. You can also put out carrot sticks or celery sticks and dip for the healthier eaters.

Popcorn, hot dogs, hamburgers or cheeseburgers, fries - you know the standard kids fare. These always work in a pinch, but if you have enough time you can get more creative and offer some healthier alternatives as there will most likely be plenty of sweets onhand anyways including the Party Cake itself.

Ice Cream is always a favorite at parties. In Los Angeles there used to be a place called Farrell's Ice Cream Parlor where they brought around a whole piggy bucket full of ice cream on a stretcher with sirens blaring. That was a festive birthday treat, but you could never finish it! Even Blizzard Beach in Disney World, Orlando offers a large piggy bucket of ice cream, and then you can keep the bucket and play in the sand there. Very fun.

For drinks you can make banana and strawberry smoothies, party punch, lemonade or other tropical fruit concoction that is sure to please.

Have a fun and sumptuous party!

Kids Party.ca

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